Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ouch, My Feet Hurt!

Another run tonight and I still don't feel 100%. I debated if I should have even gotten out of my chair to go. Sigh, I am in need of motivation! I did a 5k on the Nyack hills tonight in just under 30 minutes. It's not the 5k I'm worried about. It's moving past the 4 mile mark and making progress toward the 1/2 marathon.
On a side note, I'm down almost 10lbs. from when I started this adventure back in July.


  1. jas, here is your motivation: God will not only direct your steps, but he will move you! Heart and soul right down to your feet! When you lack motivation if it is from Him He will provide it if you ask. I have been asking Him to carry me through every run and the funny thing is He does!!! If your feet hurt, take 2 days off instead of 1 and let yourself recover a bit! You are a good man! keep it up!

  2. Jason, it is sweet that you are running and getting in shape. You are going to be whooping up on me! Make sure you are giving your body recovery and rest times. You must allow your body to recover after every run, which might be 12-24 hours or it might mean that you need to take a whole day off (rest day) to heal depending on the run. If you don't do this you won't improve, just feel tired. The harder you run and further you run the more recovery time you need. Also, try running 4 miles at a significantly slower pace. Run short distances quickly, then run longer distances slowly. Alternate this routine with appropriate recovery times and you'll be ready for that 1/2 marathon in no time! Do you use any electrolyte drinks or gels when you run? They make a huge difference in how you feel during and after runs. Call me if you have questions.
